I am returning to social media!

After much deliberation, I have made the decision to return to social media. Well, not completely.

I am still against spending too much time on social media. However, I appreciate that there are people on there, who may be interested in hearing my music or reading my blog posts.

I do have a mailing list, but I am well aware that not everyone will want to subscribe to my emails and even if they do, not everyone will check them.

Sooo, I am making a limited return, where I will be posting my blogs and music to Facebook and Twitter and as usual my music will be on Youtube and Soundcloud as well.

I won’t however, tweet actively or make status updates.

This could be a short lived return. I know they say you need to be interactive to build your following and so on and so on, but I would rather just share with the people that have shown interest in what I do and respond to them. Anything beyond that is a blessing.

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