Sharing value

It’s selfish not to share. One of my good friends and mentors once said to me, “where ever you are in life, you have achieved and overcome something that is valuable to someone, you do not have to wait until you get to the top to start sharing that value with others”.

Those were not his exact words, but they embody much of what he said.

I have been gifted and cursed with what I’ll call the achiever syndrome. Here is a description of this strength in a book called Gallup Strengths Finder:

People who are especially talented in the Achiever theme have a great deal of stamina and work hard. They take great satisfaction from being busy and productive.

Chances are good that you feel very good about yourself and life in general when you exhibit the self-discipline to apply all your energy — mental and physical — to a job, assignment, goal, or obligation.

This is a great trait to have however, it also includes the possibility of burn out and never feeling content with what you have achieved. The latter is one of the reasons why I often forget how much I have achieved and the value it contains for others.

Many times these are things that I might take for granted unless the achievement is explicitly obvious.

This blog as well as other mediums, create an opportunity for me to share something of value. Lessons and skills that I have learned throughout my life that can benefit others.

As someone that is constantly on the pursuit of personal development, there is always something that I can share. However, you do not need to be obsessed about achieving things to share something of value. All of our life experiences are unique and contain a great story that is valuable for others. As the quote goes,

“I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn’t learn something from him.”

– Galileo Galilei

With that said, what is it that you can share of value?

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