Audiobook University: 3 reasons to read audiobooks

At the start of the year, I set myself the big target of reading 200 books. Prior to this, the most books that I had read in a year, was over 70.

What gave me the confidence to set such a high target? Especially whilst having a full time job, a young baby to look after, meditating, exercising and studying French daily, writing a weekly blog, releasing music monthly and now launching a bi-weekly podcast?

The answer is, the wonderful world of Audiobook University.

In fact, in the first couple of months of this year, I have already surpassed the most amount of books that I have read in a year!

To be clear, I have read a lot of short books that are 1-3 hours long, as well as some that are over 15 hours. But either way, reading audiobooks has completely transformed the amount of books that I read.

I could probably go on and on about why I love reading audiobooks however, here are three things that I enjoy the most:

  1. You can listen to books while travelling. Commuting is not everyone’s idea of fun, so why not expand your mind while embarking on a long journey? 
  2. You can listen to books while doing low level tasks e.g. housework. Sometimes tasks like housework can seem like a drain. However, you can completely transform those activities by using them as an opportunity to learn something new 
  3. You can increase the speed. I listen to most books at 2x, which means that I get through books in half the time. Other than speed reading, there is not much else that would allow me to read as many books as I do
    There are so many things that you can fill your mind with. We are constantly inundated with endless entertainment options that do very little to nourish our minds. Therefore, if you are serious about bettering yourself, I would definitely recommend giving audiobooks a go.

    If you would like to join Audiobook University, you can save on the joining fee by subscribing to Scribd i.e Netflix for books.

    Happy reading!

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