Two free personality tests that I recommend

Nearly 5 years ago, a few colleagues of mine introduced me to the 16 personalities test, which utilises the Myers Briggs methodology. My result from the test was INFJ, a rare personality type that they call the Advocate. In total, I think I have taken the test 3 times and I have consistently got the same result.

When I took the test initially, I was astounded by how much of it I related to. I think it was also the first time that I realised I was an introvert. Since then I have learned a lot more about introversion thanks to Susan Cain and other authors.

I am a strong believer that we should maximise our strengths and manage our weaknesses. The more we understand our strengths and our weaknesses, the more effective we can be.

Recently, another colleague of mine suggested an Enneagram test. I had never heard of it before, but again, this one clarified another aspect of my personality. My result was type 5 wing 4.

Type 5 is the investigator/thinker. It was noted that this type was mostly dominated by introverts. No surprises there. Part of this type is the relentless pursuit of knowledge and mastery. It also eludes to the warning of isolation and overthinking. This is why meditation has become so important for me and it is also why I cherish quality time with my closest loved ones.

I would be cautious of trying to shoe horn yourself into the personality types that you get, but if they can provide some useful insight, I don’t see any harm in analysing it.

Here are the links to the two free personality tests:

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