Why I need to start blogging again

It’s been quite a while since I last wrote a blog post, nearly 4 months ago actually. There has been multiple reasons for that e.g. life changes, life changes, life changes. However, I love writing, I love words and I love giving.

I am still writing. I write in my journal constantly and have done so for the last 8 years. I really recommend it, in fact I wrote a post about 5 reasons why you should keep a journal.  But I am no longer giving through words, thoughts, lessons and ideas on a regular basis. Well at least not in this format.

I am a huge fan of the 7 habits of highly effective people and one thing that it talks about in that book, is the benefits of creating a personal mission statement. Here is an excerpt from the book “How to Develop Your Personal Mission Statement” that describes it:

“A personal mission statement is based on Habit Two of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People called “Begin with the End in Mind.” In one’s life, the most effective way to begin with the end in mind is to develop a mission statement, one that focuses on what you want to be in terms of character and what you want to do in reference to contributions and achievements. It is based upon self-chosen values and principles.”

Recently, I updated my mission statement, it is much longer than this and breaks down my mission for each role, but the underlying objective is to “redefine the future and to help others to live their best lives”. There are multiple ways of doing so and it can be done on a large scale or a much smaller scale, but for me, it is the direction which is most important.

This blog is a small way for me to fulfil this mission. If it deeply impacts one person then great! If it impacts more then super! But, the time is now. There is no excuse to not give.

So, with all this said, I need to start blogging again……

And I need to do it now!!

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