We’ve all got a (dead)line

Every now and then, I visualise a time when I will no longer exist. A time when there are no more special moments with my loved ones. A time when I cannot help others.  A time when I have created all that I can create and everything that I have ever known fades to black.

No matter who you are, we all have a (dead) line. A day when death catches up with us and our days on earth are all but over. Unlike the typical deadline, we have no idea when this day will come. Despite this, we often live our lives as if we have all the time in the world.

“Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows.”

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

The thought that my life could be over at any moment is a huge motivator for me. I want to give all that I can give while I am still breathing.

It is often true that we do not appreciate something until it is gone. Life doesn’t always supply the luxury of knowing how long we have left. They say that we live longer than our ancestors did, that’s great, but what difference does that make if you waste each day away?

I am not saying that you need to be super productive with every second of every day. That is unrealistic and even the Bible said that God took a rest. But, do you ever ask yourself about how you are spending your time? Do you look at each day and ask if you are happy with your effort?

I used to listen to a particular motivational speech regularly.  One of the lines that stood out to me said, “It is not about whether you went to the gym today, it is about what you did when you was in the gym”.

Turning up is not enough. We have all turned up. Turning up is a blessing, but what are you going to do while you are here? And are you going to start doing it today?

We’ve all got a (dead)line. It is just a matter of when not if.



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